Buy American and Boost Our Economy

by Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Buy American and Boost Our Economy

Studies have shown that in recent years, more and more Americans are interested in buying American made products. Buying U.S. made can be less expensive, and create many jobs here in the states, which in turn boosts our economy says CNBC. The Boston Counseling Group recently conducted a survey on the benefits of manufacturing in America with stunning results.

They proposed that companies who’ve moved their manufacturing bases back to America will create between 2.5 and 5 million American jobs by the end of this decade.  Between 600,000 and 1.2 million of those jobs will be in the factory, and another 1.9 to 3.5 million jobs will be created in the fields that support manufacturing, such as logistics and retail.

Preserving these jobs and creating new ones by moving manufacturing back into the United States – also known as “reshoring” – supports many communities throughout the country with an improved unemployment rate and consumer confidence.  People have steady work and availability of jobs, which in turn means they spend more of their hard earned money on goods and services in their community.

Julie Reider, president and co-founder of Made in USA Certified, was quoted in MoneyNews stating that, “Buying Made in USA is not just a passing trend. It truly is something we as consumers, business owners and even the government can do to support small to mid-size businesses.  Small businesses are responsible for two out of every three new jobs created in the U.S.”

So next time you’re out, make sure to look for the Made in USA/Made in America label and support your economy by purchasing products manufactured in your backyard.

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