One of the most well known brands you’ll find in kitchens across America today is KitchenAid. This popular kitchen appliance producer has a gained a great reputation over the years, but what most people don’t realize is that Americans should be proud of this company for more than just their amazing products. Many large appliance manufacturers are moving overseas inevitably hurting the American economy, but KitchenAid is staying true to their roots and remaining here in America.
KitchenAid is owned and operated by the Whirlpool Corporation and was founded back in 1919. The most notable product KitchenAid has to offer is the stand mixer, which was created by Herbert Johnson. He started with a simple idea to help bakers around the country and now has sold millions of mixers around the world.
Soon after the creation of the first mixer, KitchenAid received heavy competition because everyone wanted to copy the brilliant American ingenuity. KitchenAid would be tested by all of their competitors, but they refused to give in and to this day, KitchenAid remains one of the top brands when it comes to kitchen appliances.
KitchenAid is an admirable company who is the perfect example of an American company that works hard for their great reputation. Next time you need a new kitchen appliance, buy a KitchenAid to ensure the great American ingenuity and high-quality tools that will last many years of use!
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