Dollar Voting is an important concept to think about in economics. Basically, spending your money on a product tells a business what your preference is, but not spending your dollar can say just as much. When you go shopping, you are supporting a product, as well as a business, in essence, you are "voting" for ...
Refinishing Your Made to Last Solid Wood
source: Bob Vila The benefit to purchasing solid wood furniture is the fact that it will last you a lifetime if you take good care of it. Even after some dings and dents from the dog, the kids, or just general wear and tear, you can bring you solid wood furniture back it's original luster ...
Oceana Glass Company
source: Oceana Glass Design Located in the New England town of Jeannette, PA also known as “Glass City,” JSG Oceana Glass is a company with a wide variety of fine glass products. Oceana Glass has a reputation of manufacturing the highest grade of glass with innovative and unique designs. JSG Oceana Glass is a company rich ...
American Made Vehicles
source: It's hard today to determine whether or not your car is actually American made. In fact, Toyota, a Japanese car company, holds the number 2 spot for the most "Made in America" vehicle right now with their popular Camry. So many parts for vehicles that are built in America are still coming from ...
Diamond Saw Works, Precision and Consistency
Diamond Saw Works, Inc. was started over 120 years ago in Buffalo, NY and haven't strayed far from their home city. The corporate headquarters are now located in Chaffee, NY, but they maintain warehouses throughout the U.S. in order to provide prompt service to their customers. They offer American Made saw blades for virtually every ...
source: Cade&Co It’s an important day in a child’s life when they learn to take their first steps, so they should be wearing the right shoes for support. Cade&Co is a Utah company that specializes in designing handmade leather shoes for infants learning to walk. Founded in 2003 with the goal of providing an original shoe ...
Mayo Furniture Made in the Heart of Texas
American Made Furniture
Solid Wood: Customization and Attention to Detail