All Posts By Made In USA

Mighty Max Multi-Functional Cart

by Sunday, March 2, 2014

Source: Mama Buzz The Mighty Max Cart’s slogan should be, "Big things come in small packages!” This durable, all-weather cart made with high-impact polymers only weighs twenty-two pounds, with the ability to haul over six hundred! It can also be folded for easy storage and transportation. Mighty Max Carts use materials purchased and manufactured here in ...

Buying American Made Products Promotes U.S. Sovereignty

by Friday, February 28, 2014

Buying American made goods benefits the United States in a multitude of ways, including creating jobs and building national and local economies. However, one less discussed reason to buy products manufactured in the U.S. is that of independence. America greatly prides itself on the ability to remain self-sustaining and autonomous, but by buying from foreign manufacturers, ...

Red, White, Blue, & Green: Keeping America Beau-toy-ful with Green Toys!

by Thursday, February 27, 2014

Source: Top Ten Reviews What's better than an American-Made product? How about one that incorporates not only a bit of patriotism, but also helps keep our environment safe and healthy! That is where Green Toys come into play. Green Toys is a toy manufacturer based out of California that puts a modern twist on classic children's ...

Lane Furniture

by Wednesday, February 26, 2014

source: Gallery Furniture In March of 1912, John Lane bought a box plant in Altavista, Virginia, and with a little nudge from his father, Ed Lane embarked on a chest-making journey. Starting with chests, the family began to grow their product line, as well as their facility space. After purchasing a new building, they officially began ...