Hyundai in America

by Sunday, March 16, 2014

Source: Motortrend

Since its entry into the United States automotive market in 1986, Hyundai Motor Company has been contributing to the achievement of the American dream for many U.S. citizens.

To date, the company has invested over $2.1 billion dollars into facilities within the United States. With $175 million spent on engineering, design, and testing centers, Hyundai has subsequently created more than 5,000 jobs for American people in these areas alone. The 800 Hyundai dealerships across America provide in excess of 40,000 more jobs to hardworking Americans, while their U.S. suppliers commission employs an additional 9,000 people.

Not only does this company employ thousands of U.S. citizens, but according to a 2011 study conducted by the Center for Automotive Research, their compensation rates are higher than the U.S. average allowing many Americans to live comfortably. In the same study, it was found that overall in 2011, Hyundai’s operations in America contributed over $7 billion to the U.S.’s national economy and supplied in total 94,000 private-sector jobs. On a state level, Hyundai is also having a positive effect. In Alabama, where their manufacturing operation facility is located, they impacted the state’s economy by $3.8 billion dollars in 2010.

In addition to their support of American workers, Hyundai also acknowledges and upholds their social responsibility, contributing to social causes in America and around the globe. In 2012 alone, they donated over $21.5 million dollars to various community based and non-profit organizations throughout the United States. These contributions in business and in the community make Hyundai a vital part of the social and economic growth of America.

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