Tag Archives furniture

Judging Quality in Wood Furniture

by Saturday, July 19, 2014

Judging whether or not a solid wood piece of furniture is of a high or low quality does not take an expert. There are simple details that can be examined, such as the material used for construction, the method in which the piece was built, and the final finish of the piece to determine its ...

Solid Wood Expertise

by Sunday, June 8, 2014

To ensure a top quality product when building solid wood furniture made here in America, a certain level of expertise is required. The Amish communities in Ohio possess furniture crafting expertise in every way, from the initial stages of assembly, to the actual execution of the piece. First, they start with a simple method of sketching the ...

5 Benefits of Solid Wood Furniture

by Sunday, June 1, 2014

Purchasing furniture can many times prove to be a hefty investment. How long you are able to use your furniture will depend on the quality of the pieces you buy. Solid wood furniture will generally be of the highest quality, along with providing many other benefits. Consider the following perks of solid wood when shopping ...

What to Look for: Solid Wood Drawers

by Sunday, May 25, 2014

One of the many benefits of purchasing furniture made in America is the quality of the product, and effort that is put into crafting each piece, ensuring style and durability. In the Amish country of Ohio, hard-working Amish craftsmen and women manufacture furniture starting with high quality solid wood and some of the industry’s most reliable ...

Lane Furniture

by Wednesday, February 26, 2014

source: Gallery Furniture In March of 1912, John Lane bought a box plant in Altavista, Virginia, and with a little nudge from his father, Ed Lane embarked on a chest-making journey. Starting with chests, the family began to grow their product line, as well as their facility space. After purchasing a new building, they officially began ...