The recent “Hunger Games” film and book series has sent interest in crossbows soaring to new heights. Fortunately, Kodabow has designed an innovative crossbow, aimed to improve the full experience of hunting through its design and performance.
While these come in a number of various shapes and sizes, each Kodabow retains the same weight, providing comfort and ease for hunting excursions. Factors including lower noise, high speed, extended string life, and ease of loading are carefully considered during the manufacturing of each crossbow.
The “Made in America” commitment seen in each Kodabow product serves to cover the advances in technology seen in their craft. Ultimately, the crossbows seen in their online store are made by hunters with the hunter mindset at the forefront of their efforts. Today, customers can stop by their West Chester, Pennsylvania, warehouse for a trail run with their crossbow in their archery range.
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